Free Casino Games

🎮 Game: WGS Keno
🌌 Provider: WMS
💸 Return to playerUnknown

WGS Keno Intro

Lets take a trip back, to 2008 and explore the world of Keno by WGS. While it may not boast all the features of todays games I’ll give it credit for its age. This game offers an traditional experience that still holds its charm.

The gameplay is pretty straightforward; pick your numbers from the grid place your bet and decide whether to play 1, 5 or 10 rounds with the numbers. You also have the option to replay with the numbers as before. What makes this game stand out is that you can choose from up to 15 numbers offering a potentially thrilling gameplay compared to the usual limit of 10 numbers in other games.

As we delve deeper into this game it’s worth noting that the graphics are lacking, for 2008 standards. The visuals are basic animations are choppy assets are low quality and overall theres a lack of theme or character which makes the game less appealing. While they’re not the visuals there they’re definitely not top notch. One positive aspect is, in the sound department.
Even though there isn’t any music the sound effects really enhance the experience. Make it feel more authentic.

I found the user interface to be very easy to use and intuitive. I had no trouble adjusting my bet choosing numbers or moving through the game. Everything worked smoothly. Responded well.

In summary despite its, than stellar visuals and lack of music Keno by WGS probably held a place in players hearts during its time. If you’re looking to take a trip, to the classic world of keno games it’s definitely worth giving it a shot.